Despite Argentina's recent economic woes, its pleasures - stunning natural wonders, an elegant capital with a European-flavoured sophistication, and a passionate culture - are still as tempting as ever. The silver lining to the financial cloud is that it's now one of the best travel bargains going around.

This is one Latin American country where Europeans and North Americans can feel at ease and travel relatively inconspicuously. An interest in soccer and some nimble foot skills may be all you need to feel like a local.

Argentina certainly has had plenty to cry about, with an economy that's still trying to find its feet again and a fragile government that at one stage saw five presidents in two weeks. How did this happen to a country blessed with abundant natural resources and a highly educated populace? Decades of political corruption, rampant tax evasion and ill-advised monetary policies are all to blame; the challenge now is for this proud country to pull itself out of the hole and avoid further chaos.


Full country name: República Argentina
Area: 2.77 million sq km
Population: 37.81 million
Capital City: Buenos Aires
People: 85% European descent, 15% mestizo, Indian and other minorities
Language: Spanish, Quechua, Guarani, Araucanian
Religion: 93% Roman Catholic, 2.5% Protestant, 2% Jewish, 1.5% Ukranian Catholic, 1% Armenian Orthodox
Government: republic
Head of State: President Néstor Kirchner

GDP: US$391 billion
GDP per capita: US$10,500
Major Industries: Food processing, motor vehicles, consumer durables, textiles, chemicals and petrochemicals, printing, metallurgy, steel, agribusiness
Major Trading Partners: Brazil, USA, the European Union
Member of EU: No
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